Last Fall MADE completed the installation of Stumptown Coffee Roaster’s first café in the Big Apple. Designed by Roman and Williams, and adjacent to the new Ace Hotel, the café boasts bold uses of walnut, brass, and steel. We enjoyed a very busy two weeks in Manhattan scribe fitting and installing the bar, condiment stands, and window bars. One thing about New York buildings—they are anything but level! Now if we just lived a little closer, we could go grab some coffee!

The bar face is made of traditionally joined frame and panel sections. The wood is solid walnut frames with custom veneered, book-matched walnut panels.

View down the front of the cafe.

This is the view from the entryway. The front corner of the bar is at a 45º angle, built with mitered construction.

Shot towards the entry.

Condiment stands: We built two for the space, and the pulls are custom milled from solid 1/4" brass plate.
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